You've no doubt heard the saying that goes along the lines of if you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always gotten. As it suggests, the only way to change things is by changing what you do. Obvious really, but so many people fail to grasp this simple truth. They find it easier to keep moving on automatic pilot than to take control and set a new course.
Learning to Like Your Job
Easier said than done, you might say, but as you spend a large proportion of your life working it makes sense to enjoy what you do. If that isn't the case right now you have two options. You can look for a different job, or you can learn to like your current job. To do this you need to change your negative thoughts and feelings into positive ones.
Write your job title across the top of a sheet of paper then divide it into two columns. Heading one column positive and the other negative, write down everything you can think of about your work. Be thorough: start from how you feel in the morning setting off for work, go through the tasks you do, the people you work with, the responsibilities you have. Write down everything you can think of. Chances are your negative column will be much longer than your positive one, so now you need to change this.
Get to the Heart of Things
Let's say you wrote boring in your negative column. Think about this further: what exactly is it that makes you bored? Not enough to do? Is it challenging enough? Do you have little control over how to do your work? Do your best to identify what is at the heart of the problem. What single thing, if it could be changed, would make the biggest difference?
Once you know what is really making you bored, ask yourself: How could I change this? Think as creatively as you can without worrying whether your ideas are practical, or whether they can be implemented. Give your imagination free rein to come up with as many options as possible.
Go through this same process with the other things on your list. Once you have some ideas put them into two groups: those that depend on someone else, and those that you can do on your own. Also look at the items on the positive list in a similar way. Work out what makes you feel good about these things. You may get ideas about how you can change some of the other things.
Watch Out For the Fighting
Many people will already have given up by now, arguing that it's not their fault they don't enjoy their job and there's nothing they can do about it: somebody else needs to make changes for them. This type of negative thought means a part of you doesn't want change -- or doesn't want to have to make any effort to achieve change -- and it's fighting to protect itself. If you let it win you will stay in your rut.
What you must realize is that no-one is just sitting waiting to grant your wishes. In fact it's possible that your manager isn't aware about how you really feel. Have you ever told her -- really told her -- how you feel?
Change Starts Here!
Change must start with you. Start making the changes that are in your control and you will soon start thinking more positively about your work. Show you're making more effort and that your thinking is positive and you have a better chance of persuading people to implement the bigger changes you can't do alone.
Pick a positive change from your list that is within your control and easy to do, and begin it today. Get that in place then start on another one, then another. As you make these changes and your work becomes more enjoyable you'll develop the habit of automatically thinking positively about your job.
And add another positive change that anyone can do, any time: smile. Get into the habit of smiling rather than frowning. Smiling is infectious -- other people will smile back at you, and you'll find it difficult to feel miserable with a smile on your face.
To be really prosperous in life and achieve abundance in health, wealth, happiness and anything else you desire, you need to use strategies and skills including positive thinking. Learning to think positively about your current situation will give you a good foundation from which you can make things even better and achieve the success you desire. Maggi Birtles has extensively studied these techniques and is actively applying them to her own life. She is offering you a free ecourse and books to help you join her on track for success at
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